Show your style with the customisable W508 Walkman phone. With eight changeable Style-UpTM covers to choose from as well as SensMe, consumers can personalise the W508 to suit their mood and get a real hands-on interactive experience
Las Vegas, USA - January 7, 2009 - Enjoy music the way you want it with the W508 Walkman phone. Consumers can have the most interactive mobile experience as individual as they are, with clever technology such as Shake and Gesture control, SenseMe and TrackID, as well as one extra Style-Up cover with the W508.
“The W508 Walkman phone builds on our iconic Walkman range and the successful W380.” said Alexandre Cardon, Global Product Marketing Manager (music) at Sony Ericsson. “For those who like to express their style and individuality through their mobile phone we’ve brought our creative design team in to design stylish changeable covers so that W508 offers a truly interactive and individual experience.”
Shake control and Gesture control allows you to become your own DJ with just a flick of your wrist - raise the volume or set the shuffle function by giving your phone a quick shake. Is that alarm getting to you? Switch it to snooze or mute the volume with a sweep of your palm without having to fumble for the off button.
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