Hape Esia Connect C2823 From Bakrie Telecom
Hape Esia Connect C2823 is a online phone from Bakrie Telecom.
The price of Hape Esia Connect is lower than the previous online phone from Bakrie, Hape Esia Online, which is only 255,000 rupiah before tax.
It is a must, as online mobile phone, to provide access to Faceebook and Twitter, and Hape Esia Connect has it.
Further more, Hape Esia Connect also completed with the Esia Messenger, a chat facility by using the phone number as PIN.
Vivanews, Esia Shop, Games, and Adzan application also already installed inside this phone.
tag: Harga Hape Esia Connect C2823, Hape Esia Connect C2823 Price, Esia Messenger, HP Online Murah, Ponsel Online Murah, Ponsel Esia, Handphone Esia
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