i-Mobile 6010 Android Design Candybar Weight 106 gram
Here are the specifications of i-Mobile 6010 Android phone that designed candybar 110 x 55 x 13.5 mm and weight 106 gram: Android 1.6 OS, Touchscreen, Wifi, EDGE, GPRS, Bluetooth, Support MicroSD Card up to 16GB, Camera 3.2 megapixel video recording, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk
The cost of i-Mobile 6010 is 1,999,000 rupiah including free bonus 2GB microSD memory.
i-mobile 6010 also companied by i-mobile TV 640.
tag: i-Mobile 6010 Android, Harga i-Mobile 6010, i-Mobile 6010 Price, Spesifikasi i-Mobile 6010, i-Mobile 6010 Specification, Ponsel i-Mobile, Handphone i-Mobile, i-Mobile 6010 Preview, i-Mobile 6010 Review, Ponsel Android Termurah
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