ZTE5130 and ZTE C366 With Flexi Messenger
Above is the advertiser of ZTE Flexi phone online name ZTE5130 and ZTE C366 that bundled with Telkom Flexi and it’s als called Hape FlexiChatting.
The main advantage of having ZTE5130 and ZTE C366 is the free online for a month, while buying ZTE C366 the user will get free online for a month and unlimited internet for 3 months.
The price of ZTE5130 is about 299,000 rupiah, and ZTE C366 is about 549,000 rupiah.
The applications were served for example Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, G-Talk and Flexi Messenger.
tag:Harga ZTE5130, Harga ZTE C366, ZTE5130 price, ZTE C366 Price, Hape FlexiChatting, Handphone Flexi, Handphone ZTE, Ponsel ZTE, Handphone ZTE
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